Names for Faeries Gaelic- Sith Greece- Fata/ Destinies Hispanic Countries- Hada Ireland- Sidhe Persia-
Peri Provencal- Fada Suffolk- Farisees Welsh- Fair Folk Kinds of Faeries- Bean Sidhe/Banshee- A faerie who is attatched to a certain family, and when one of the family members
is about to die, the Banshee wails. Bean Sidhe is pronounced the same way, Sidhe being "Shee." Brownies- Welsh and Scottish
highland faeries, known for thier brown clothes and skin. About 3 feet tall. Coblyn- Faeries that live in mines and find
gold and silver, or whatever the miners are looking for for them. Dryads- Faeries from all the Celtic countries (England,
Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) that lived in Oak trees and instructed the Druids. Ellyllon- Welsh Faeries whose queen is
Mab. Elves- British and Welsh Faeries. Another name for trooping Faeries. Gnomes- Earth elemental Faeries. Live underground
and protect Earth's treasure. Goblins- What we big stupid folk call ugly Brownies. Gwragedd Annwn- Welsh lake Faeries.
Lepurchaun- Solitary Faery who makes shoes nad traditionally guards the gold at the end of the rainbow. Merpeople-
We all know Mermaids, but in case you've completely missed your childhood and never seen "The Little Mermaid," they are people
down to their belly-buttons, and below there they have the tails of fish. Live in water and occasionally come up to sing to
sailors and lure them to them. People of the Hills- Faeries who live under hills. Phouka- Dangerous shapeshifer Faeries.
Pixies- Faeries found in Somerset, Devon, and Cornwell of England. Sidhe- The great race of Faeries found in Ireland
and in the Scottish highlands. Was once the great Celtic gods of the Tuatha de Danaan but as people stopped believing in them
they recceeded into the hills. Subterranean Faeries- Any type of Faeries which live underground. Tylwyth Teg- The
most common Faeries found in Wales. Unseelie Court- Any kind of evil Faerie.
Greek Aphrodite- Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. Apollo- Greek God of music. Ares- Greek God
of Water. Artemis- Greek Goddess of the night and the hunt. Protector of women. Athena- Goddess of wisdom, war, art,
industry, justice, and skill. Demeter- Greek Goddess of corn, grain, and the harvest. Dionysus- Greek God of wine,
agriculture, and fertility of nature. Hades- Ruler of the Underworld. Helios- Greek God of the Sun. Hephaestus-
Greek God of smiths and fire. Hera- Great Queen of Mount Olympus. Goddess of marriage and birth. Hermes- Greek God
of riches, trade, and luck. Hestia- Greek Goddess of hearthfire and domestic life. Poseidon- Greek God of the Sea.
Zeus- Ruler of all the Greek gods. God of the light and the sky.
Apollo- Roman God of sun, music,
poetry, prophecy, and healing. Bacchus- Roman God of wine. Bellona- Roman Goddess wine. Ceres-
Roman Goddess of corn. Cupid- Roman God of Love. Diana- Roman Goddess of fertility, hunting, and the
Moon. Faunus- Roman God of prophecy. Flora- Roman Goddess of flowers. Janus- Roman God of
gates and doors. Juno- Roman Goddess of marriage and women. Jupiter- Supreme king of the Roman Gods.
Lares- Roman God of household and estate. Libintia- Roman Goddess of funerals. Maia- Roman Goddess
of growth and increase. Mars- Roman God of War. Mercury- Roman messanger god and commerce God. Minerva-
Roman Goddess of wisdom, arts, and trade. Mithras- Roman gd of sun and light. Neptune- Roman God of
the Sea. Ops- Roman goddess of fertility Pales- Roman Goddess of flocks and shepards. Pluto-
Roman God on the underworld. Pomona- Roman Goddess of fruit rees and fruit. Proserpine- Roman goddess
of the underworld. Saturn- Roman God of seeds and harvest. Venus- Roman goddess of beauty and love.
Vertumnus- Roman god of seasons. Vesta- Roman Goddess of the hearth. Vulcan- Roman God of Fire.
Norse Baldr- Norse God of wisdom and radiance. Bragi- Norse God of poetry. Eir- Norse
Goddess of medicine. Forseti- Norse God of justice. Frey- Roman God of fertility. Freyja-
Norse goddess of prosperity, fertility, and marriage. Frigg- Norse Mother Goddess. Fulla- Norse Goddess
of fertility and virginity. Gefjon- Norse Goddess of the sea and fertility. Gna- Norse messanger and
traveller Goddess. Heimall- Norse watchman God and Dog of light. Hermod- Norse God of bravery. Hlin-
Norse Goddess of consolation and protection. Hoenir- Norse God of silence and light. Idun- Norse Goddess
of youth. Lofn- Norse Goddess of permission and marriage. Loki- Norse God of mischeif and evil.
Odin- Supreme Norse diety. Saga- Norse Goddess of history. Sjofn- Norse Goddess of matchmaking
and love. Snotra- Norse Goddess of virtue and self- discipline. Thor- Norse God of thunder, lightning,
and streangth. Tyr- Norse God of war. Ull- Norse God of archery. Vali- Norse God of the battlefield.
Var- Norse Goddess of promises and vows. Vidar- Norse God of independance, solitude, and freedom. Vor-
Norse Goddess of self-discipline and faith. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Celtic Irish Celtic
Aine- Irish Celtic Goddess of love and fertility. Angus Og- Irish Celtic God of beauty. Anu-
Irish Celtic Goddess of manifestation magick, moon, air, fertility, and prosperity. Babd Catha- Irish Celtic Goddess
of war. Bel- Irish Celtic God of fire and sun. Bran- Irish Celtic God of health. Brighid-
Irish Celtic Goddess of fire and water. One of the triple goddesses. Bris- Irish Celtic God of fertility and agriculture.
Dagda- Irish Celtic God of the Earth, and father God. Leader of the Tuatha de Danaan. Danu- Irish Celtic
Goddess of rivers, water, wells, prosperity, magick, and wisdom. Diancecht- Irish Celtic God of healing and medicine.
Flidais- Irish Celtic Goddess of nature, forsets, woodlands, and wild things. Labraid- Irish Celtic God
of the underworld. Macha- Irish Celtic Goddess of beauty and brightness. Niamh- Irish Celtic Goddess
of beauty and brightness. Welsh Arawn- Welsh Celtic god of the underworld, terror, revenge, and
war. Arianrhod- Welsh Celtic Goddess of Air, reincarnation, full moons, time, karma, and retribution. Amaethon-
Welsh Celtic God of husbandry, agriculture, and luck. Blodeuwedd- Welsh Celtic Goddess of wisdom, moon mysteries,
and initiations. One of the triple Goddesses of the Welsh pantheon. Cerridwen- Welsh Celtic Goddess of the Moon,
grain, nature, poetry, music, luck, earth, death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, art, science, astrology and the zodiac.
Dewi- Welsh Celtic God of dragons. Don- Welsh Celtic Goddess of the heavens, air, sea, control of the elements,
andthe moon. Ruler of the underworld. Dylan- Welsh Celtic God of the sea. Elaine- Welsh Celtic Maiden
Goddess. Gwydion- Welsh Celtic God of Warriors an magic. Gwynn ap Nudd- Welsh Celtic God of te underworld.
Math ap Mathowny- Welsh Celtic God of magic, sorcery, and enchantment. Myrrdin- Welsh Celtic God of druids,
magic, and sorcery. Also known as Merlin. Celtic Airmid- Celtic Goddess of healing, midicine,
and spring. Brings the dead back to life. Artio- Celtic Goddess of the wild. Balor- Celtic Goddess with
a venomous eye. Good on the battlefield. Branwen- Celtic Goddess of love and beauty. Camalus- Celtic
God of the sky and war. Cerunnos- Celtic God of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. Cyhiraeth-
Celtic Goddess of streams. Druantia- Celtic Goddess, Queen of the Druids. Protector of trees, protection, knowledge,
creativity, passion, sex, fertility, and growth. Giobhniu- Celtic God of weaponry. Lugh- Celtic God
of druids, carpentry, and mason. Llyr- Celtic God of waters and sea. Maeve- Celtic Goddess of Earth,
fertility, and war. Manannan- Celtic God of sailors and merchants. Margawse- Celtic Goddess of mothers.
Mebd- Celtic Goddess of war and drinking. Mider- Celtic God of the underworld. Morrigan- Celtic
Goddess of war, death, ravens, fertility, the dark Goddess, and fate. Nemain- Celtic Goddess of panic and war.
Nepthys Lady of the House, Lady of the Temple, Goddess of the Night and Moon, Nebhet..
Nepthys bore one child by Osiris, Anubis. She is often shown standing at the end of the coffin of Osiris, with
wings spread to show protection. Her, Anubis and Isis enbalmed Osiris together. Isis The All-Mother Goddess,
Goddess of Life, Goddess of fertility, Goddes of Love, Lady Great of Magic, The Great Enchantress. Isis is on of the
earliest and most imporant Goddesses. No other Egyptian diety has stood the test of time as well as Isis. Her cult was
not extinguished as the other Egyptian Gods, but brought into Rome, Greece and countless other countries, even lasting to
the present. She is revered as the Great Mother Goddess, and often shown suckling the babay Horus.
Osiris God of the
Underworld, husband to Isis, He Who Give Life to Plants, God of The Nile, King of the Dead.. Osiris was murderd by Set,
then brought back by Isis to concieve their son, Horus. The Sumpreme God, and judge of the dead. The symbol of ressurection
and eternal life. Provider of fertility and properity to the living. When Osiris is shown with green skin, it symbolizes his
He Who Is Above, Horus the Avenger of His Father, Keeper of Wisdom. Horus and Set engaged in the Battle between
Light and Darkness, during many years they continued to fight, until Horus won. Horus got his claim to his father's
throne, and ruled thereafter.
Hathor Lady of Heaven, Goddess of
Love, Goddess of Childbirth, Goddess of Joy, Goddess of Music, Goddess of the Sun, Moon, Sky and Moisture. Hathor is either
represented in full human form, with the head of a cow, or, the Holy Cow. She was a patron of all women, no matter what their
postion was in life. Hathor and Isis are closely identified with each other.
Bast/Bastet Goddedd
of Cat, The Tearer, Goddess of women, and the Sun. Bast is represented as a woman with a cat's head, or as a cat. Like
a cat, she was admired for her agility and strength. Bast defended Ra against the serpernt Apep.
Ra Fathor of the Gods, God of the
Sun. From very early times, Ra was a sun God. He took on many attributes, and even other names as the myths evolved.
Since Ra is a God of great antiquity, there are far too many stories to list. One of Ra's daughters is Sekhmet,
Shu and Tefnut.
Anubis God of the Underworld, Protector
of the Dead, The Jackel-Headed God, Patron of Magic, He Who Forsees Destinys. Anubis was born by Nephthys. Isis
raised him like a son, and Anubis was Isis's constant companion and Guardian. It is Anubis who oversees the weighing
of the heart against the feath of Ma'at in the Hall of Ma'at. Above:
Sekhmet The Mighty One,
Goddess of war, Destroyer of Enemies. Her temper was uncontrollable. In one of the stories of Sekhmet, Her father
Ra, was getting disgusted by the way humans were breaking the laws of Ma'at, and having no respect for the Gods and Goddesses.
So, he sent his daughter Sekhmet to punish mankind. But Her temper got to great, and Ra took pity on the humans,
and made her drunk to stop the destruction. Depicted as a female with the head of an lioness.
Neith Great Goddess, Goddess of the
Hunt, Guardian of Men and Gods, War Goddess (possibly). Neith was often seen as protector of the dead, as she also guides
the dead, a female Anubis. Regarded for her wisdom. Usually pictured wearing a red crown of Lower Egypt.
Ptah The Opener, God of archeticts,
craftsmen, workers ans sculpters. He is said to have built the boats for souls of the dead to use in the after life.
Ususally depicted as a man as a mummy, with a shaved head and beard. Hanging from the back of his neck is the Menat,
a symbol of happiness. He holds a staff that has the ankh, djed and a was scepter.
Thoth The Great Measurer,
God of the Moon, Mighty of Divine Speech and Knowledge. Thoth was said to be the creater of language, a scribe and patron
of all Gods. Thoth records the results on the Judgment Hall after the weighing of the heart. Often depicted as
a man with the head of an Ibis bird.
Taurt The Great Lady. Protector of
pregnany women and children, and protector of rebirth into the afterlife. Often depicted as a pregnant hippopotamus
with large breasts, the hind legs of a lioness and tail of a crocodile. Ma'at Goddess of Truth. Ma'at
represents law, order and truth. She has created the laws of Ma'at. She is the female counterpart of Thoth. In
the judgment hall, it is the feather of Ma'at that the hear is weighed against. If the heart outweighs the feather, the soul
is given to Ammut. If the heart was less than the feather, it would go on to a happy afterlife.
Geb The Great Cackler. Geb was thought
to represent the earth, his wife is Nut and together there children are Isis, Nepthy, Osiris and Set. The royal throne
of Egypt was seen as "The Throne of Geb"
Sobek He Who Causes to be Fertile.
Sobek was admired for he ferocity. He is usually depicted as a man with a crocodile's head, a crocdile, ot a mummified
crocodile. The son of Neith and Sais.
Nut The Sky. She is Goddess
of the Sky, shown as a woman bending over Geb, the Earth, with stars on her skin. Nut is considerd to have been the
mother of the sun and the moon. Her children are Isis, Osiris, Nepthys and Set, married to Geb.
Mut Lady of Heaven. Mut is the
Divine Mother, the Queen of all Gods. Usually shown as a woman w/ a vulture headress, with the crown of upper and lower
Egypt. Sometimes shown with a papyrus scepter.
In Greek
mythology, Rhea is the mother of the gods, daughter of Uranus and Gaia. She is married to her brother Cronus and is the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon and Zeus. Cronus, jealous of the future power of his children and to secure his dominion, ate his own children but Rhea managed to
rescue one son, Zeus. She hid him in the Dictean Cave in Crete and gave Cronus a stone wrapped in the clothes of the infant,
which he swallowed. Thus Rhea succeeded in making him believe that he had killed all of his children. When Zeus reached maturity
he overpowered and dethroned his father and made Cronus disgorge his siblings. Rhea is identified with mother goddess Cybele from Asia Minor and is also known as Rhea Cybele and Magna Mater ("great mother"). She was worshipped with orgiastic rites.
Rhea is depicted between two lions or on a chariot pulled by lions. ______________________________________________________
In the beginning, Chaos, an amorphous, gaping void encompassing the entire universe, and surrounded by an unending stream of water ruled by the god
Oceanus, was the domain of a goddess named Eurynome, which means "far-ruling" or "wide-wandering". She was the Goddess of All Things, and desired to make order out of the Chaos.
By coupling with a huge and powerful snake, Ophion, or as some legends say, coupling with the North Wind, she gave birth to Eros, god of Love, also known as Protagonus, the "firstborn". Eurynome separated the sky from the sea by dancing on the waves
of Oceanus. In this manner, she created great lands upon which she might wander, a veritable universe, populating it with
exotic creatures such as Nymphs, Furies, and Charites as well as with countless beasts and monsters. Also born out of Chaos were Gaia, called Earth, or Mother Earth, and Uranus, the embodiment of the Sky and the Heavens, as well as Tartarus, god of the sunless and terrible region beneath Gaia, the Earth. Gaia and Uranus married and gave birth to the Titans, a race of formidable giants, which included a particularly wily giant named Cronus. In what has become one of the recurrent themes of Greek Mythology, Gaia and Uranus warned Cronus that a son of his would
one day overpower him. Cronus therefore swallowed his numerous children by his wife Rhea, to keep that forecast from taking place. This angered Gaia greatly, so when the youngest son, Zeus, was born, Gaia took a stone, wrapped it in swaddling clothes and offered it to Cronus to swallow. This satisfied Cronus,
and Gaia was able to spirit the baby Zeus away to be raised in Crete, far from his grasping father. In due course, Zeus grew
up, came homeward, and into immediate conflict with