The Ritual Format I use for extensive, all out rituals goes as follows: 1.
Prepare Sacred Space. 2. Cast Circle 3. Cauldron Salute 4. Cleanse and Consecrate supplies. 5. Altar Devotion 6. Quarter Call 7. Invoke Dieties 8. State Purpose. 9. Meditation 10. Raise Power 11. Magickal Working. 12. Communion
(Bread and Juice) 13. Thank Dieties 14. Release Quarters 15. Close Circle 1. Preparing Sacred Space- You will need a representation of all the four elements to do this. Start with Earth. Say
"Element of Earth, cleanse this sacred space of all negative energy in the world and in the astral." Do this with all of the
elements, walking aroung the area of your cirlce holding them. 2.Cast Circle-
Each verse of this circle casting should take one rotation of the circle. hold out your pointer finger of your dominate hand
while walking and say: "Maiden, cast your circle white, weave a web of glowing light. Stag and bear, hawk and wolf, bind us
to thee." That should have taken one circle rotation. Now say "Mother cast your circle red, weave a web of glowing thread.
Earth, Air; Water, Fire, bind us to thee." That would have been another rotation. Now say, "Old Crone, cast your circle black,
weave the wisdom that we lack. Sunlight, moonlight, starlights shimmer, bind us to thee." Thanks to Yasmine Galenorn's "Embracing
th Moon." 3.Arian's Cauldron Salute. For this you will need a small cauldron and a tea candle.
Stand in the North of your circle and light the candle, hold the cauldron in front of you and say, "Lady's Cauldron, Fill
this room with your universal glow. Light the pathway for the worlds in between the worlds which I know. Stand in the East.
Wave your hands over the cauldron 3 times then hold it in front of you and say: " Wind blows from the East, conjusring wisdom,
intellect, and peace. Bless all among us." Imagine the cauldron filling with the gifts of the East. The say, "Posative energy,
fill all about thee." Stand in theSouth. Wave your hands over the cauldron 3 times. Then hold it in front of you and say "Fire
burns in the South, Bring creativity, streangth and power. Bless all among us." Imagine the cauldron filling with the gifts
of the South. Then say, "Posative Energy, fill all about thee." Stand in the West. Wavemy hand over the cauldron 3 times then
hold it in front of me and say, "Water flows from the West, Wash away negativity, leave only the best. Blessal among us."
Imagine the cauldron filling with the gifts of the West, then say, "Posative energy, fill all about thee." Stand in the North.
Hold the Cauldron in front of you and say, "The Earth lies in the North. Promoting fertility, growth, and stability. Bless
all among us." Imagine the cauldron filling with the gifts of the North. Then say: "Posative Energy, fill all about thee."
Now stand in the center. Draw a banishing pentagram with the cauldron and say, With this circle finally cast; Posative energy
here at last; Maiden's energy all about; Keep all negative energy out; Crone's prospect black to be; Negativity not to be;
Mother's warmt close to home; Let this bind be set in stone; So mote it be." 4-
Cleansing and Concentrating Supplies- Air- Hold the item over your East element representation on your altar and say:"Powers
of Air, move by thy light essence to bring wisdom, intellect and clarity to this (________). cleanse this (________) pf all
negativity in the world and i the Astral." Now hold the item over your South Element representation and say "Powers of South,
move by thy fiery essence to bring power, creativity, and light to this (_______) Cleanse this (________) of all negativity
in the world and in the Astral." Do the same thing with your West element, only say "Cool essence, to bring love transformation,
and pacifness." And for Earth, "Stable essence, to bring fertility, stability, and growth." For Spirit, the central representation,
you may want to hold the item over your pentacle or just hold it in the middle of you circle- "Spirit of Spirit, of everything
living and non. Please bless this (______) with yourgifts of all-knowing, life, and divinity." 5. Altar Devotion- I'm sorry I don't have permission to put the beautiful Altar devotion I use in writing, becuase
I use one from Silver Ravenwolf's book, "To Stir a Magick Cauldron." It is an icredibly beautiful peice that I have been using
for quite a while, and I will try to get consent, jsut as I am trying to get some consent for a few spells from her books
to use. Thanks for your patience! 6. Quarter Call- Spirit of East, I call you now to
my aid. May you move by your gifts of intellect and light to come to my circle tonight. Spirit of South, I call you now to
my aid. May you move by your gifts of creativity and light to join me in this rite. Spirit of West, I call you now to my aid.
May you move by your gifts of passion and love to the circle on this nihgt of. Spirit of North, I call you now to my aid.
May you move by your gifts of fertility and growth to help me and watch me both. Spirit of all Spirits, of everything living
and non. I ask you now to join in this magickal journey of the night. 7.
Invoke dieties- if your invoking any other dieties besides Spirit and the Lord and the Lady you may need to use a different
invokation. This is the one I wrote and use to invoke the God, Goddess and Spirit. I call to the two halves of a whole; The
essence of life, of living, of death; The Goddess and the God.; Enter my circle if you wish; To watch me and to help me; Whether
you be in thebody of a ladybug, or a shadow overhead; Please partake in the magick of tonight. 8. State Purpose- all you need to do now is simply say why you are conducting this ritual. You may say something like-
"I conjured this circle tonight to......." or somehting of the like. 9.
Meditation- if you don't already know how to meditate, I suggest you look in my Astral page. You can meditate about anything
in a ritual, maybe about the goal ur about to manifest, or a certain meditation.